Monday, January 6, 2014

Lamb Brains!

. new years view
 So this email is going to be short because today is a Holiday in Italy so all the internet points are down and we have no time now. Today's Holiday is called the Befana--the day they have chosen to celebrate when the wise men visit Jesus and give him gifts. They celebrate by leaving huge stockings out and then it gets filled up with candy..(this is the best part) a creepy, old witch! IDK why, but this town is filled with creepy witches!
                                        -Transfers--I'm staying in Sassari with Felice!
-So for all the Holidays we've been invited over to the members house to eat. It's great--I love these people! But here's a fun fact--everything about Italian food is delicious...except the meat. They eat everything. I feel like I'm back in China. For new years this family basically took a lamb, cut and cooked it up and put it in a bowl. Here's a picture of me eating it's BRAINS! So gross.
Lambs brains
-I pulled out my little voice recorder this week that says "Hey can you hear me?" and scared my compaion real good. haha.

-This week we had a lesson with Sandra our investigator and we invited her to be baptized--and she said she will never ever get baptized with our church, but she wants to keep coming to church with her son.  I kind of had a change of view after this. I was a little bit sad about how hard we've worked and the little we have to show for it. I read how Ammon first began to preach and then was thrown into prison while Ammon on the other hand said "I will be thy servant". Then I read a quote that said "aspire to be a great servant, instead of a great missionary." That kind of gave me a new perspective. I will always try for baptisms, but I was called to SERVE these great Italian people and that is why I am here. I'm going to try and do all I can to serve others, help them know that God loves them, make people smile, make friends, listen when someone needs it, etc. I have a list in the back of my planner where I put all the friends that we've made here and we go visit them all the day and try to find a way to make their day and bring them closer to Christ. So...go serve someone else! It will make you happier!

my crazy investigator. Love her.

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