Monday, July 7, 2014

Minute to win it game competition and Italian 60ish year old man. Oh My!

Happy fourth of July!!! I'm so sorry to hear about all the health problems with my cousins. I will definitely keep them in my prayers! Give them my love!
I'm loving Battipaglia more and more each day! Sorella Williams is great and we were able to really bond this week. We also celebrated Canada Day! She made a traditional dish named pouten or something. Then we also celebrated the fourth of July! We had lunch at this familys house and it was the best lunch I have ever had! They have this huge garden and everything was fresh from the garden! our English course here has been kind of dying and so we decided to try and get it back up and have a party! We have spend a lot of time these past couple of weeks making posters, planning, and inviting the whole town. Luckily it turned into a huge success!! We decorated the church with stars, split everyone up into two group—Americans and English and fought for our freedom with minute-to-win-it games. Lots of people came and had a lot of fun (and we only had one injury). We also made America's finest...cheesecake, apple crisp, and pumpkin pie (made my first homemade pumpkin pie! Except turns out pumpkin pie is really strange for Italians and not many of them liked it...). Also, the English there goes our freedom everyone.
On Monday I was shopping at Lidl (a supermarket here) when this guy asked me who I was. I told him all about us and he said how he knew missionaries in the past. He randomly said he played the organ (we have this organ player in the church, but he is going to be gone all July and by chance none of us missionaries here or the members play the piano) so I asked him if he would like to play for us. He showed up at church already and excited to play the piano! Miracle! God gave us a piano player! ...Okay now for the funny story after...this at least 60 or 70 years old. Well he started hitting on Sorella Scherbel (the senior missionary here) so I made sure to introduce him to her husband. All was well. Then he asked me to sit by him in church and he kept whispering to me the whole time about going out to take a walk and getting gelato. I politely declined because it was Sunday and I felt weird about him. After, he kept bugging me about when we could see each other and go out. He kept saying ''tu mi piace, sei bella'' (I like you. You are beautiful). But he's an old man so I thought he was just being nice. THEN he told me how I make his heart beat fast and how he's in love with me! AH! My companion and I were just like no! No! No, not okay! We're missionaries! He asked how we could make it work anyway and I told him I'm too young for him. I told him I was 20 and he said he was 53 (Lies! He is older than that) and acted like it didn't matter. Eck! This is the worst part of Italian men...there is no age limit and no fear in telling someone how you feel. Gross!
Also, this week the ward here has been difficult. I love them so much...but they offend and get offended all the time! Half the ward doesn't come because they got offended by someone. It's really hard to deal with because I love all the members and I'm on every side. It just makes me sad to hear how someone is missing out on so much, just because one thing someone said once. I've really learned how stupid gossip is and the power of reaching out to people.
Also, here in's its city’s saint week! Almost every city in Italy has a saint dedicated to it and they do a huge festival for it. Their saint is Maria di Speranza...I don't know her story yet. But all the streets are covered with stands, food, music, and lots of catholic things. Wahoo.
Also, Italy is COVERED in cats right now. They are all getting pregnant and having a million babies and there are cats ALL over the place. The best is that we get to go over to people's house and they-'ll have all these kittens so I get to play with a kitten while teaching the gospel! Yeah!
Anyway sorry this letter is kind of all over the place, I wrote it fast because right now I'm getting a train to go to NAPOLI (Naples that is....WHERE PIZZA WAS MADE) and tomorrow I have zone conference and exchanges in Pozzuoli! Should be fun!
Love you!!
And I will send you pictures next week! 

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