Monday, August 18, 2014


So this week was FERRAGOSTO which is basically the biggest summer Italian holiday and everything in Italy shuts down (besides tourists places) and everyone goes on vacation. If you have to take a bus or train anywhere, you might as well forget it because they go on vacation too. Hey have I ever told you how Italy is known for being the least organized country in Europe. Well it is very true. Italians don’t care about anything but food and the sea. Agh gotta love these people. The official big holiday was on the 15th (btw…people with Google access…anyone want to tell me why exactly they celebrate Ferragosto. I’ve asked people and they’re like “IDK we just all go to the beach on that day.”) And since everyone is gone, we did some DEEP cleaning in our apartment! More on that later…Anyway half of our investigators left town on vacation so we didn’t have a lot to do this week… BUT we still had some great lessons and saw some miracles. 

Small  ice cream cones
 We had a great lesson with our investigator Gerardo before he left on vacation to his summer home (sad we don’t get to see him as much, but he’s coming back once a week). He’s a really great guy, but for some reason he doesn’t believe in God. Most of his life he hasn’t cared, but right now he really envies believers and wants to know more for himself. We gave him the challenge to pray and read the BOM every day and to ask if God exists. I feel like he is so sincere and I’m sure he will find his answer. 

All the horrible patterns in my Italian apartment. 
We also had a great lesson with his sister Teresa, who we are also teaching. I don’t remember how much I told you about her, but she is kind of a miracle in herself. She has lived the past two years in Milan with her daughter and son in law—who are both Mormon, the son in law is this really great bishop from Milan. She has met with the missionaries a lot, has read the whole BOM, and now she lives in Battipaglia for us to teach J.  To a certain point, she believes the church is true, but she has a hard time leaving the catholic church behind. We want to explain that by coming to our church, we are only adding to her faith, not taking anything away.
We also saw Rosaria and had a really great lesson. She’s scared to come to church because she’s scared her dad will be really mad because there’s this member who the dad hates that comes to church. We promised her, as representatives of Christ,  that if she came to church, then everything would be OK. But then she still didn’t come to church. Some people take a bit more time. 

Martina helping us clean
Making pizza
-We’ve also seen huge miracles with Martina, who the Elders are teaching for now. Martina is one of my best friends in the mission! I can’t wait to have you meet her! She speaks really perfect English so there’s no language barrier (I can speak good Italian…but it’s hard to be really funny in Italian so sometimes it’s hard to really be yourself).  She has been coming to English course for 6 years,  loves the missionaries and has become really great friends with all of us. But she has never taken the lessons. Then our Anziano Rasband here invited her to take the lessons and she said yes. Later we were talking and she was like “Why has no one ever asked me to take the lessons before?” I just felt awful because I assumed she has been asked a million times, but has always rejected. I think all the other missionaries thought the same thing. But it’s better late than never! On Thursday we had a lesson with her and the Anziani (elders) . She comes in and was like “I quit smoking!” and we’re all like “WHAT?!?” We’ve been trying to get her to stop for a long time, and suddenly this week she decided to stop. She already had the program and planned out everything by herself and we were like …”but wait…we wanted to help you…with that..!” Haha but it’s better that she decided to do it by herself! This happened on Thursday and then we found out that on Friday she had NOTHING to do. Her family was all going to be gone and she was just going to be alone in her house where there are cigarettes. She needed something to keep her busy, but that was Ferragosto and we had to deep clean our house all day long. So we called up our Mission President and asked if she could spend the day inside our apartment to help us clean. He said yes. No one is allowed in missionary’s apartments besides missionaries, so it was so fun having a friend over! I felt bad making her clean, but I think it really helped her out having something to do, being around good people and away from all those cigarettes! It was actually a lot of fun and the Scherbels invited us over for lunch to have delicious Mexican food! But the best part is that she has not smoked since Thursday!!!!!!

Sacrificing my companion

Besides that this week has actually been pretty fun! Martina and her mom taught us to make pizza, we saw Paestum today for PDAY! Paestum are the big roman temples and they are so beautiful! I couldn’t believe how well intact they were. They are most intact roman temples in the world and I live 30 minutes away from them. Crazy.
Anyway hope you all have a great week! I can’t believe school is starting! I swear it got out last week! 

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