Monday, February 3, 2014

Missions are like Popsickles

Missions are like popsicles. The first half is the hardest; the second half is the fastest; and it's best enjoyed when you “stick” to it and thrust in your “sickle”! (my lovely companion told me this)
So I hit that sad/happy moment this week when February 1st came around and I hit my half way point (OHHHH I'M HALF WAY THERE....OHHHH LIVING ON A PRAYER!--it's a song). Yes, I am half way done with my mission. It's awesome because I've done so much and learned so much and I can really work hard these last nine months...but I only have 9 months left in the beautiful country of Italy.......... :( :( :(
-This week was great! I feel like P-day was just yesterday and I have no idea where the days went or what I've done...pensiamo un po...

-OH remember how last email I said how we just gave the library lady named Lucia a brownie? Well today we gave her a BOM and she was so touched and loved it! She promised to read it! Also, she works with one of our members! Stay in tune for next week...
-Last P-day Sorella Felice and I took a train to Algero—a BEAUTIFUL city by all these boats. It was so cold and wet, but we had fun anyway. Attached are the pictures.
The beach! All those brown things are sponges.

 -Corso d'ingese! So our English course is one of the best finding tools ever (besides the members) and we have found many investigators and friends from the course! One of my best friends (and an investigator of the Elders) is named Daniela and this week she gave us these really nice Sardengian necklaces which were so pretty! Also, we have all these other students that stay an hour after corso and talk with us. Then we have these three older students who come EVERY WEEK without fail! They are so funny and they really like our church. 

I drew this for a little girl in my ward. Guarda quanto brava sono. 
-This week has been really great! I feel like it has gone by so fast! We had a great lesson with Lucia Farina! We gave her Alma 32 to read and she loved it! She marked it all up and she spent 30 minutes telling us how great the analogy about the seed is and telling us all the things that she's learned. We invited her to come to church again, and she doesn't want to come all the way to Sassari (she lives 40 minutes away) when her church is right by her house. Then we asked her if she has been praying to know if this book and the church is true. She told us she already knows the book is, but hasn't really prayed about the church (well she doesn't believe that there's one true church). For some reason at this moment, Sorella Felice and I couldn't think of anything to say so we just sat in silence for about a minute. But it was really good because I could feel the spirit and after she said “I think I actually really need to pray about this.” I really do think she will sincerely pray about it and then will receive a strong testimony.
-We found a new meno attivo (less actives) this week! Her name is Maria and her house is covered in Catholic pictures, but she pulled out her BOM and it looked like she has really studied it in the past. Also, she offered us wine and coffee. But she is really nice and wants us to come back and talk with her. We've decided to do all the lessons with her again. Hopefully we can help her come back!  
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! Sorella Knudsen 

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