Monday, June 2, 2014

Helping and working with lots of people.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun at the family party! I love the tie dye shirts hahaha ;). Aw poor Jordan! First car accident. How is he doing now? I am so glad that everyone was okay!!!! BE SAFE ! Is school out now? What are the plans for the summer? 

We made cheesecake for English course
Well this week was awesome! I can't believe it's PDAY again! The mission is going by too fast. :(
Okay so we have Rosaria who is awesome!!! We get to see her everyday and she is making such great progress! Everytime we go over there she tells us all about what she has read and it is so cute. Also...she gave us THREE referrals this week! She's been talking about us and how great we are to all of her friends and she told one day how two of her friends want we have two appointments set up this week to see them! Then yesterday while we were teaching...her friend stopped by and Rosaria invited her in to meet us. This friend is named Elena and has actually been baptized three times...she was born orthodox, then became catholic to get married to an Italian, and then became Evangelist haha. She was way interested and asked all these questions. The best part was that Rosaria responded to all of them! Rosaria loves the story of Joseph Smith and has seen the movie three times...and she told her friend his story better than I have ever heard any missionary tell it, she even quoted exact lines! The spirit was so strong as we bore testimony! We have another appointment with them tonight :). 
This place is known for their mozzerella di buffala (buffalo cheese!) they eat it here so often. This member brought us a bowl of 35 balls that us four missionaries were expected to eat! I could only eat five though. So much cheese. so good.

So we're working with this family named Melella who are two parents and four crazy young boys. They are new converts, but becoming inactive because the dad never actually stopped smoking. The Anziani are teaching the dad and Sorella Webster and I have been trying to strengthen the mom and the boys. The parents don't actually seem to care too much, but I feel like these four boys have so much potential and could become great missionaries one day so I really want to help them out with learning the gospel and having good examples. Our idea is to help them have a FHE every week and to help the mom teach her boys about the gospel. Last week we made cheesecake together and it was CRAZY! Four boys with fingers, spit, and blood flying all over the place (I'm not kidding about the blood part). But we brought some pictures of Christ and the BOM and one of the sons, Emanuele, was so interested in the BOM stories and wanted to hear all about it. It was so a cool moment teaching him about the BOM. Also, this week Emanuele got the Aaronic Priesthood to pass the sacrament....but he didn't come to church in church clothes (this is a normal thing in Italy, most people don't have money to buy suits), but they found a shirt and tie for him...but no pants. He happened to be wearing gray sweats with the name of a soccer team written in pink on his bum. It was so awesome because he's passing the sacrament and trying to be a good member...but I just couldn't stop laughing at how inappropriate his pants were! 
                  This is us with a less active and her grandchildren. We also helped them do their hair hahah!
This ward has kind of proved to be a little difficult to work is really hard to get members to come to lessons and they seem really annoyed when you ask, which is a bummer because Rosaria needs to meet all these members! Then we have this one member...Maria. Bless her heart. I really love that woman to death. She is so sweet and funny and us missionaries just love her. But she has had quite the past...she has tried to kill her husband (luckily it didn't work), has had gambling problems, and almost every other problem before joining the church. Everyone in this town knows her and does not like her and does not believe that she has changed. She just causes problems with everyone and everything that it makes it so hard to get investigators to come to church. This week she went over to a new convert's house with beer to see if he would drink it. Haha she's the worst, but I love that crazy lady.
This week the Elders were teaching a girl named Anita. She is so awesome! I can't explain how special she is and how much I already love her. But at the end of their lesson....she had a seizure attack. I got to go up and hold her during some of it and it was a really cool experience. The more that she meets with the missionaries, the more attacks she has. I don't understand why it is like that, but I'm sure God has a reason for it.
Also, each week we do service for two handicap kids and help them do their exercises. I was paired up with this lady named Antonella and she is kind of scary and really hard to talk to. But I knew that I wanted to make a good impression so I tried so hard to talk to her and kept praying for help. It was still awkward and I felt like I failed. After, Sorella Webster told me how surprised she was that Antonella was talking to me that much because she never talked to the sister before me at all. So actually I guess someone I got on her good side and she loves me now. We've seen her on the street and she introduces me to all her friends and on Friday she was telling the family what a great helper I am and how I have “the eye” for taking care of this girl and how much we get along. So I learned when we put in our best effort...God takes our efforts and magnifies them by a hundred.
Besides Rosaria, we're kind of losing a lot of our investigators right now. Our goal was to get a lot of new investigators this, and that didn't really happened, but we got a ton of potentials!! We have the three referrals from Rosaria. We really want to find some families to teach so I quickly looked through the areabook for all the families that seemed interested to me. I made four phone calls...and three people said they would like to meet with us again in the next couple of weeks! We did some great park finding and we got some numbers of families and we have an appointment with one of them Tuesday. Actually that's a great story! We met this mom with three kids in the park and she seemed so interested, but there was this old lady who was very catholic so the mom wouldn't give us her number which was such a big bummer. A couple days later we happened to see her walking with some heavy grocery bags (and she is very pregnant!) so we helped her out and she told us to come back another day! Such a miracle that we got to see her again. Miracles!

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