Monday, June 16, 2014

I ate a lot of blood this week.

IT IS HOT HERE. I'm already dying. 
This week was awesome! Last week we went to the Amalfi coast which is this coast between my city and Napoli and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! There's all these great colorful houses built on the mountains by the city. Anziano Sherbel took us on a ride through it all and we stopped in a couple cities to take pictures. Also the Sherbel's have their son, his wife, and two kids staying here for the week. It is so fun and weird to be around American people! Today they took us out to Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii!! I'll send you those pictures next week! 

Amalfi coast!
Amalfi coast!
Amalfi coast!
Amalfi coast!
Amalfi coast!
Amalfi coast!
At the beginning of the week we had zone conference in Pozzouli and that was really fun. We have an American Navy base here which for missionaries means...American food! Which means Peanut butter sandwiches and chips and all those great, gross American food. It was funny when our Zone Leader said “And we would like to thank the US Embassy for providing lunch” haha we are so important here. 

Zone conference. familiar face!

This week we had some cool lessons with Rosaria. On Thursday she told us about how that was the anniversary of her dad's death date, but then she told us how the other day when we explained the temple to her, it really hit what we said about baptisms for the death and she would like to do that for her dad. She asked all sorts of questions of baptism and the temple and we brought her this temple magazine and she's really excited. On Sunday, she wasn't feeling so well and she knew we did blessings so she asked us if we could bring the Elders over for a blessing. We did and the spirit was so strong! She just cried the whole time and loved it. After we got out the calendar and had her chose her date. We really wanted her to chose it and be committed to it. She chose September 13th! Which is a bit far away, but I think it will be a good thing. I remember Emilia in Pescara chosing a date two months away, but all that time really helped her prepare. Also Rosaria still has a strong belief in Saints which is something she is going to have to give up and I think having more time to read and understand everything will be good.

While we were at Rosaria's this week...she brought out this brown can from her fridge. She told us it was called Sangue nacho. Sangue means BLOOD. Basically pigs are kind of sacred here. They are more expensive and it is NOT okay to waste a pig. So in an effort to save EVERY part of the pig...they take it's blood and mix it in chocolate to make a snack. I'm not kidding PIG BLOOD in chocolate. And I ate it. It actually wasn't too bad...just tasted like chocolate...but there was this other taste to it...and I just knew that taste was BLOOD so I couldn't handle it. Then she made us eat more. So gross. WHO KNEW THEY EAT WEIRD THINGS IN ITALY? And who knew I would be stupid enough to try them all. 
We also got two more investigators this week! Both are referrals from Rosaria! Elena is this Romanian who has been baptized three times, but is interested in reading the BOM. We had a great lesson lesson with her and her daughter came in (25 years old) and asked us all these great questions about the church and seemed really interested in learning the truth. The second is this girl named Giovanna. She is 32 years old, is married, has a 5 year old son, her dad used to meet with the missionaries in the past and loved them, and it seems like her whole family is really confused on religion and what is right. They've studied with a lot of different church, but are still catholic. It was hard to teach a lesson because she had nonstop questions, but she wants us to come back this week and teach her and her husband! We have a cute little family!! I just have the best feeling about them! They seem like such good people! 

These past couple of weeks, I've actually been really frustrated with my scripture study. I do love reading the scriptures, but I felt like I wasn't getting a whole lot out of it and nothing was connecting. It was really frustrating and I kept praying for help. This week I received it. I found a BOM manual that you use in church and I've been studying it along with my reading and it has changed everything for me! (yep...I study with a manual. The mission has made me do all kind of nerdy things and I love it) The manual explains everything well, makes lots of connects that I haven't noticed before, and asks a lot of questions that really gets me thinking. My testimony has strengthened so much and I really feel this great love every morning. I'm better able to share with other people the importance of the scriptures and help them read better. For example, I found a smaller manual for our investigator Rosaria and gave it to her. This week she has read and learned more than the BOM than she ever has. I think the main difference is the questions; it's really hard to come up with questions for myself, but having all these questions to answer really helps me. LOVE the scriptures! Read them they are so awesome! Especially Alma 33, 34 in Italian. Who knew.
 Miracles: This week we were in this city and we needed to come back to our apartment for lunch. We waited at the bus stop and the bus came and completely passed us! It was so strange it did that. Another bus finally came and I went up to pay my ticket and ended up sitting next to this girl. While putting my money away I noticed she was starring at me and I got a big prompting that I needed to talk to her. But before I could even talk, she asked me if I was American. I said yes. Then she told me how she has this really good friend who was a missionary in this city a long time ago, but comes back almost every year to visit. I asked her what this missionary's name was and she said “Kendra”. (For a second I was like...that name sounds familiar...didn't they used to call me that in America?) I said “Non ci credo. Mi chiamo Kendra” (I don't believe it. My name is Kendra!) I just knew that this was a coincidence and that God was telling me that I was put in her path to specially find her. I hurried and got her number and hopefully we'll be meeting this week! 
Italy pride
Also, the world cup is HUGE here. Every street is covered with flags and banners, it's fun.
I've been in Battipaglia for almost six weeks now. TIME GOES BY TOO FAST. Love the mission!
Ciao! Bacio! 

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