Monday, October 20, 2014

Death Letter

This is COSENZA. It is the most beautiful little city.
 Well...this is my last letter home that I will write as a missionary. My eyes might've teared up as I wrote that. I can't believe that my mission is almost over. When I came to Cosenza I decided to keep it a secret that I was almost done and I asked the other missionaries to not tell anyone. Yesterday was my last Sunday in Cosenza and so I had to tell everyone that I was leaving. Although Sorella Hansen and I have only been here a little while, we've made a big effort to befriend the members and get them excited about missionary work. I feel like we've done a lot of good in this time and our ward mission leader told us how we've brought a new excitement to Cosenza about missionary work. Everybody told me how sad they were that I was leaving and how they wish I could've stayed longer here. I would've liked to have more time here too. But it is ok

This is Giandomenico who is one of my favorite people in Italy. He's hilarious and always says ''GRANDE''

This is a fig. It's one of my favorite fruits in the world.

Zuchini flowers. You cover them with batter and fry them up and they're the best thing in the world. My companion thought I was really weird for eating a flower, but then she loved it.
This week has been really great! The sisters from Taranto came down and we had a great scambio. We got 3 new investigators this week! One is this couple that I met last week as I was coming home from zone conference with my mission president. We made a pit stop and ended up talking to this guy who doesn't really believe in God and has never received an answer before. President Waddoups promised him that if he met with us that he would receive an answer. We scheduled an appointment and had this member, Sorella Lopez, take us out to see them. They were very nice, although the lesson was a little interesting. But we shared the restoration and they promised to read the BOM. Speriamo bene

The famous Lopez family and the other missionaries!
 When Sorella Hansen and I first got here, we did a lot of contacting on the street to start us off and we got a lot of contacts and investigators at first. But since then, it hasn't been too successful and I think because God wanted us to try other things. Our ward mission leader decided to get really into missionary work this week and gave us all these contacts and less actives to visit and who to visit them with. We called up everyone and we set up quite a few appointments! He also told us to go through our area book and contact everyone. We did that too and we found a few people who want to meet with us! Also, English course here is HUGE! I don't know where all these people came from, but it's awesome and some of them seem really interested. We've been trying to make friendships and invite as many people as we can to listen to the gospel. We've had some success with this! On Thursday, this lady came in early and our ward mission leader turns to us and says I feel good about her...go get an appointment! We go and talk to her and she seems really awesome and interested! We had a lesson on Saturday with her and she completely understood everything. After we explained the prophets and the apostasy...she said ''We need a new prophet! Do you think God will call another one?'' I just smiled and told her how god already has!

This guy works at this shop under my house. She loves us missionaries and always gives us free food.

We spend last Pday at the beach.
The work is progressing and I am so grateful to be a part of it! I'm happy to be able to leave Cosenza better than I found it and leave Sorella Hansen lots of people to teach! This mission has been the best decision I have ever made. I have learned so much on my mission and I have changed a lot too. I have been blessed to serve in 1 ward and 3 branches. The members and other missionaries that I have met here have changed my life and have taught me so many things by their examples. My companions have been some of my biggest blessings on my mission. They have become my best friends and I have learned so much from each of them. I've learned to LOVE the scripture and love gaining knowledge. I've learned how to apply the atonement so that I can overcome my weaknesses. I've learned to use my talents to bless others and to gain more talents. I've learned to follow God's will for me and always be content with what happens. I've learned to love to obey the commandments. I've learned courage and faith. I've learned to love and serve others. My testimony of the Restoration has strengthened and I know that it is true. And of course, these past 18 months have taught me so much about my Savior and all that he has done for me. I am so grateful for every day on my mission. 

Rodica! She took us into the mountains this week for a picnic.
Well this last week is going to be a busy one. I have a ton of appointments planned, but also I need to find time to pack and write notes to everyone. Ce la faccio! This Saturday I take a train up to Rome and will spend my last weekend up in Rome. Hey do you remember my first companion from the MTC? Sorella Perkins from Australia? Well we haven't seen each other ONCE during our missions--we've always been on the opposite side of the country, but we've stayed in contact--and I get to spend my last weekend as a missionary with her! I am so excited! On Monday I get my last Pday in Rome and then dinner at the mission home.
Ciao. Ciao. Ciao. CIAO. ciaociaociao..... ciaociao . ....ciao.....ciao........ciao.
ciao. ciao. ciao.

Monday, October 13, 2014

AHHH I only have two weeks left!!! I can't believe it!

Zone Conference
This week was great! We spent most of it in Taranto for zone conference. My last zone conference :(. I had to give my death testimony (or departing testimony as Sorella Waddoups calls it). That's where you get up in zone conference and bear your testimony about the things that you've learned on your mission. I was kind of in denial that I had to give it and I procrastinated deciding what I wanted to say until the morning of. But I think it went pretty well. Zone Conference was really good besides that! 

Have I told you that everyone thinks Sorella Hansen and I are twins? We are about the same height, we both have light skin and freckles (hers a bit more than mine) and we both have big, think, curly, reddish hair. When we stop people, they don't only ask if we're sisters...but everyone asks if we're twins! We find it funny. So for zone conference, Sorella Hansen and I decided to match the whole time hahah! We even bought these dresses from a Chinese store that match. It was actually a lot of fun! My mission President and his wife gave us a ride home from zone conference so that was fun spending three hours in the car with them. 

Rodica is doing awesome! She is so prepared and is accepting everything! On Thursday we taught her the plan of salvation with a member named Sorella Spizziri and the spirit was really strong and I feel like she really understood it. She came to church too and on Sunday and loved it! Shes working a lot so she doesn't have a ton of time to read the BOM, but she is really making sacrifices to read it before each lesson. She is just great. She is so getting baptized!
spray painting mostra
spray painting mostra
One of the Elders here is really good at spray painting planets and stars on paper. Missions are all about using your talents so this week we've tried doing a mostra (shows, demonstrations...whatever they're called in English) with it. We find an open area in the city, he sits down and starts painting, crowds start to form as they wonder what he's doing, and then we have all these people wondering who we are to share the gospel with. We've done it two times and it has worked really well and we've gotten some great contacts. It's a great way to get people to stop and listen and then this anziano gave out these paints for free. 
By the Sea

 Sorella Hansen is doing really great! I'm a proud mom! Sometimes she's scared to talk to people or be bold...but she is improving each day! Sometimes I'll be walking along and I'll be like ''wait where did my Sorellina go?'' And then I look behind and she's back there talking to some people. I'm excited for her to get a new companion, she's going to do great without her trainer. 

On Friday we had these two appointments planned, but when we got one was home. Our back up plan also didn't work out so we decided to pray. We knelt down on the ground in the middle of this street, asking where we should go, then we got up, and both started walking down this one street. We started talking to this family when this member family, the Favres, walked by. We asked them where we should go and they told us to go visit their mom. The mom was very catholic, but we shared a nice lesson. Moments like these are probably the best in the mission. My favorite times are when everything goes wrong and you're just wondering what can you do now. Then you pray, follow the spirit, and the Lord leads you to someone who needs it that you never would have thought of. I've really learned that God's plan is perfect. It is amazing how every night I think about what happened each day and I can see how much God has guided us into finding certain people, helping someone, or maybe it's even us that's learning something. I love serving a mission and I am so grateful for the miracles that God shows me everyday!

Playing soccer on P-day
Don't worry, I'm not trucky or sad with coming home. I decided that I was going to be really cool about it and accept everything. I only have two weeks left and I'm going to love them and make the best out of them. Then I will go home and it will be fine. Luckily you guys are coming to get me, otherwise I probably would never get on that plane home. 
Till next week, 
Sorella Knudsen 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Physical and Spiritual Strength.

 PS- Tomorrow I'm off to Taranto for Zone Conference!
Congrats to Lydia on her baby!!! You didn't even tell me she was pregnant!! Hahah! Also shoutout to Ashley M. who just got engaged!!! Give them a big hug from me! 
This week has been AWESOME!! So many great things have happened!! First off, let me tell you about RODICA!! She is awesome!! She calls us everyday to see how we're doing and tell us what she has read and asks if she can come to church before we can even invite her. We invited her to be baptized on the 1st of November and I think she will really make it! She came to an hour of conference (sadly she couldn't stay longer) and loved it! She keeps telling us how she feels so good when she is with us and she is really liking everything so far! She also has made a really good member friend who is going to come to our lessons now. Also, she is the nicest lady ever! We went over to her house and were talking about recipes (because I'm always trying to learn how to cook) and suddenly she was giving me all these books and food! I told her to stop, but she insisted on it! Then she brought us all this stuff at our lesson. She is too good to be true. I love this lady. 
 The zone leaders and Presidents have been focusing on having good planning sessions lately. They asked us: ''How often is planning a spiritual experience?'' I definitely try my hardest to plan each day and follow the spirit so I can't really say that I've had a great spiritual experience from it. So this week we tried to listen to the spirit more. One day we didn't have any planned appointments but a lot of potentials to pass by and we didn't really know when or who we should visit. We knelt down and prayed, asking for guidance and this girl named Rossella came to my mind and Giovanna came to my companion's mind. The next day we sent out to find these two.  Rossella is a new investigator, but after the second appointment we haven't had any luck finding her at home...but she was home this time!!! We had a great lesson with her! Then we went to find Giovanna (this lady we met on the street and who is actually the mom of a member) and she was home too! We had a great lesson and she became a new investigator! So I learned how important it is to have the spirit during planning so God can tell you exactly who and when to see them! His plan is perfect! 
Sorella Hansen and I
On Friday we met a new convert who got baptized a couple months ago, but lives really far away and can't come to church every Sunday. Her name is Maria and she is soooo nice! Although her husband is really against the church. We went over there and first thing she asked if we would like some tea. My heart just dropped...shoot she doesn't know we don't drink tea. I told her we don't drink tea. She looked at me and said no we can't drink hot drinks...but this is cold and is of it's okay right? I started explaining to her about how we don't drink green or black tea, but we can drink some herbal teas, etc. I admit, I was kind of confused if we could drink this or not because it was a different type of drink and it looked like it just came from fruit so we called the Elders just to make sure. They told us they weren't sure what type of tea this was, and told us to pray about it with her. So we prayed about whether this drink was about to drink and after discussing it, we decided it was probably better if we didn't drink it. I think it was actually a really good experience for this new convert to pray about something and make a choice to be obedient. Also the lesson happened to be on obedience which really enforced the principle! 
All of us sister trying to wear our hair like Sorella Hansen
Funny Greenie culture shock moment of the week: Sorella Hansen is super weirded out by how often Italians touch each other. Italians are very touchy and are always hugging and kissing each other. Sorella Hansen is just not used to having all these Italian ladies hug and kiss her all the time. Haha I find it funny. Get ready to be kissed from me all the time when I come home!! 
Also, Sorella Robinson and Sorella Chandler from Bari have been here all weekend because Sorella Robinson has to get her permesso (permission to live in the country) today so it has been fun having more sisters! 
Watching conference in the church
Conference with the Favre!
 Spiritual strength: Conference was awesome! We watched it in church and also this amazing member family named Favre invited us over to eat and watch conference with them! The spirit was so strong and I learned so much! It was really enlightening to me, I got some really good insight with what I want to do with my life. I still need to research and think a lot, so I'm not going to give you details yet...but the mission has really changed me a lot and I want to do something else with my life. So when I come home, I'm changing my major...and it will probably require more schooling, but I think it will be good. Anyway I loved conference! Also, in case you were wondering...they're not announcing any more temples...because the Rome temple is taking so long to be finish and they're going to focus all their efforts on that before they can announce new temples (that's my guess at least). 
I love Gelato
Also, I finished Jesus the Christ!!! There you go dad! Dad has been emailing and bugging me to finish it for over a year now every week. I really loved the book and learned so much about Christ! But my goal is to finish the New Testament, Doctrine and Covenants and the BOM for the fourth time (3rd in Italian) before I come home so that's why it has taken me so long. Haha silly dad! Are you happy now? 
Physical strength: Sorella Hansen has this program to do 100 push ups in a row in 10 weeks and as a joke we decided we were going to try it. Then the Elders decided to challenge us to a push up contest at the end of the transfer to see who can do the most push ups. We were like..that's guys are boys. So now they have to do double the amount of push ups that we have to do. So everyday Sorella Hansen and I try to do as many as we can each day. On Saturday...I successfully did THIRTY in a row!! I have never been able to do more than 5, but now I can do 30 man push ups in the row! Pretty impressive no? I'll let you know how the contest goes! 
Anyway! Love you all!!! 
Sorella Knudsen!