Monday, February 24, 2014

3 Invites

Saying  goodbye to Felice

Waiting in the airport to get our new companions
Ah I am so happy right now and just loving life! I admit, I was not too that excited to have more sisters in the apartment because in Pescara with four sisters it was always such a big mess and there was never time to do anything. BUT THESE SISTERS ARE THE BEST. Okay first, there's Sorella Rost from Cali. Who is a PROFESSIONAL cook! She loves cooking and takes care of all of our meals. Plus, we decided to eat healthy—so I'm eating the yummiest food without gaining weight! And then she's teaching me how to make everything! She's so cute and awesome. Then we have Sorella Udall from Arizona who is our Greenie and is crazy, awesome, perfect. She is just like that Greenie from the RM who is so excited about everything, wants to take notes on everything, has unbelievable amounts of energy, etc. It has been really fun having a Greenie around to remind of us that excitement we all felt when we first got here. But she is so funny... like she asks to get up at 6:28 so she has time to say a prayer before we exercise, she sings “love at home” all day long, before she got here she already planned our first shopping trip, she wants to plant flowers to brighten our home, sweeps our apartment every day (because of the missionary books says to do that), and all this stuff. She's a hoot, but we love her. Then there's dear old Patterson! It's great because are such good friends already and we both want to give our all to the mission.  This is just too good to be true.


Okay so Patterson and I made a goal to always be ready with a baptismal invite for every lesson we go into. Then the Lord knows we're always ready and doing our part and it's just up to him. I honestly didn't expect we would use them too much...but every single lesson we've gone to...the spirit has prompted us to use them!! Let me tell you about some of them...
  1. Sandra. If you remember a couple months ago we already invited her to be baptized, and...she screamed into our face and told us she will never be baptized. But she's the mom of a member and still our friend so we still go over every week. She has still been coming to church and reading the scriptures each week. We've still some small changes and her asking some questions; she was really interested in the temple and wants to go. So anyway I take Patterson over to meet Sandra and we do a lesson on repentance with her...and then it just turns into the whole gospel. I just knew we had to invite her again...but I was so scared! I said a prayer for help and we started talking about baptism. Then she said how she doesn't remember her baptism at all and she would like to do another one as an adult because it would be more special (WHAT?! Last time she said she would never get baptized because she respects her dad's decision for her to be baptized too much). So I invited her again and this time she said “non ancora. Vi dico quando.” (not yet, I'll tell you when). Then she said she wasn't ready, her son said she needs to stop smoking first, and we decided next time we will help her stop smoking. But this is a huge miracle for me and shows me how much the Lord can change hearts. We still have a long way to go, but Sandra went from a “NO MAI!” (NO, NEVER!) to a “not yet.” Speriamo bene!!
  2. Lucia Farina. We invited her to be baptized last week and she was unsure about it so we asked her to pray. This week we were teaching her the plan of salvation, but it turned into talking about the holy ghost. She said how we could see how happy we are and she seemed really interested in the holy ghost and wanted that for herself. Again we felt the impression to invite her to be baptized...and she seemed really unsure about it. We asked her if she has ever been baptized before and she said no I still need to be baptized (this gives us a lot of hope...because even though she says she loves her church—there's a reason she hasn't been baptized yet). She's at a point where she has two choices before her and she needs to choose. We asked her to pray about it and we've been calling her everyday to see how it's going. She hasn't got an answer yet. I really believe she's going to get baptized one day! The Lord just has his own time and when she's ready—she's going to get that answer!
  3. Flora. Our cute Philippian. She has been an investigator a long time of the sisters and wants to get baptized....but works Sundays so can't ever come to church. We went to go meet her and again we felt prompted to talk about baptism and to be bold about it. We bore testimony, talked about the blessings of baptism, told her how important it was, etc. She really wants to be baptized...but she doesn't want to quit work. We also talked about prayer a lot and asking him for more faith and help. She seems to really want to pray and figure everything out!
    Even though done of these people accepted...we are so much closer to having a baptism. I have learned that as we really prepare...the Lord will use us and help us accomplish our desires. There's never a reason to be shy about inviting someone to Christ and that we should keep inviting and inviting and inviting! I love this goal and I plan to keep it up for the rest of my mission! 

    An inactive teaching all of us to wash our faces with fruit! 
    Vi voglio bene!
    Sorella Knudsen

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